Asking for a new bird

Wow!I didn’t realise they could fly!My baby birds are now grown up and they can fly.I had to persuade my parents to get me a new bird that’s a baby bird, I said “Mum, Dad may I please get a new bird please”I said in my softest voice.They both said “NO!” and I thought for a minute and I had an idea and I thought that if I go sulk in my bedroom  they will get me a new bird! So I did and my parents came and sat beside me and said alright you must want another one lets get you another one but you pay”,they laughed .

The snake pole

I couldn’t believe it! I was standing in front of a pole with a snake pattern all over it.I have been doing research on this pole and I heard there is a clue on one of the scales.I pressed a tile on it and everything was still normal.  Suddenly, I pressed and pressed until one popped out and it said on the paper, peel the grass and you will find the treasure! I peeled the grass and it had a chest, I opened it and I found gold! With a signature and it said on the chest enjoy the gold.

The prank

CLICK!,A flash of light, then, darkness appeared in my bedroom, I screamed AHHHH!I slowly calmed myself down but I could still feel my heart beating really, really fast.  Suddenly, I noticed  my door shutting and opening rapidly.I was now really terrified but I knew that my house is always locked and thought there isn’t a stranger in this house! I thought I will use this  advice. I suddenly thought is this a prank that my brother is doing on me. I went out of my bedroom and heard my brother laughing and he  said, “pranked you!”


seeing a alligator

Swish, splash, swish! AMY stop rocking the canoe you are going to make the canoe tip over and both of us will be wistful. Wow look at the garden it has flowers and mushrooms! And remember the rule don’t eat mushrooms, ok said Amy. Then suddenly we saw this weird thing in the lake! It looked like a alligator! So I yelled OARR we oared so fast that we were making heaps and heaps of waves. I was using my hands while Amy was using the oar and I was starting to have wrinkled fingers! Finally we got to shore and said lets go to a different lake!

locked in the classroom

BANG the door from the classroom shuts, the lights were off and then suddenly darkness enveloped the room. Me and my friend Sarah were trapped! We were stuck in the classroom! Sarah was freaking out, we were just going to get our books for library lessons but the teacher locked the door!Ok its dark in here but luckily we have our iPad to shine the light

For us to see. Actually its 11:20 and our the teachers come at 11:20.Our teacher comes in and says what are you doing here! I said the teacher locked us in! and she said ok but get to your next class!